A return to wholeness

Stories from my personal experience to help you navigate healing, awakening, and ascension.

In my journey, I have come to understand that our core trauma stems from the separation from source and our divinity. The remedy is a return to wholeness and love through the heart. We have to remember and embrace all aspects of Self: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, multidimensional.

The world is changing. Amid this planetary shift, we are witnessing the collapse of patriarchal systems. The hustle culture and its over-emphasis on the importance of the mind has given rise to anxiety, depression, insomnia, and dis-ease. What society taught us was normal is by no means an indication of what is healthy.

As consciousness expands, more are waking up and seeking a new way of living. We are unlearning and de-programming. We are mastering the way of the Heart, shifting from duality to unity. Birthing New Earth.

Cacao Ceremony Singapore Body-Talk-Singapore-Holistic-Healing-Singapore- sound bath-heart4

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Here are stories that may help you navigate healing, spiritual awakening and ascension.

Leaving 12-Steps and Staying Sober

By Celeste Chong | November 26, 2023

Why I made the difficult decision to leave AA and how I stayed sober.

How I Healed from Anxiety

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What I wish I knew about the root cause of anxiety back when I was desperately trying to make sense of it.

My Spontaneous Spiritual Awakening

By Celeste Chong | November 23, 2023

Never in my wildest imagination! This transformational experience changed the course of my life.

Cacao Ceremony in Ascension Cave

By Celeste Chong | October 5, 2022

I facilitated a Cacao Ceremony in the Ascension Cave in South Africa. What an experience!

More about Cacao

By Celeste Chong | March 13, 2021

Curious to find our more about Cacao? Here are the answers to your most frequently asked questions.

My first Cacao Ceremony

By Celeste Chong | March 7, 2021

I attended my first Cacao Ceremony in Bali and it was a heart opening experience. My anxiety subsided and I felt a warmth in my heart.

Our addiction to distraction

By Celeste Chong | December 9, 2020

When we are not distracted, we slow down and become still. When we are alone in this stillness, discomfort arises.

Changing our views on trauma

By Celeste Chong | November 23, 2020

Despite enjoying a normal childhood, are you stuck in unhealthy patterns or relationships, experiencing anxiety, depression or some form of addiction?

Having bouts of anxiety or depression but don’t know why?

By Celeste Chong | August 14, 2020

The way we react and behave is a result of past experiences which we may not be aware of but have stayed in our subconscious.

Why is relaxation important?

By Celeste Chong | May 7, 2020

Stress weakens the immune system. When worried and stressed, the body operates in “Fight or Flight” and its focus is on survival. Other functions (like your immune system) take a back seat. Relaxation improves the immune system.

What is the best way to deal with unwanted and unpleasant emotions?

By Celeste Chong | January 31, 2020

First, debunk the myth that showing your emotions is a sign of weakness. Through practicing acceptance and addressing our core needs, we deal with these emotions.

What happens to unprocessed emotions?

By Celeste Chong | December 27, 2019

When an emotion is not processed and released, it becomes an active stored emotion, stored in the connective tissues or other body parts. Over time, there is a high chance that it shows up as a physical symptom.

What is the root cause of Anxiety, Depression & Dis-ease?

By Celeste Chong | December 21, 2019

The root cause of most physical symptoms trace back to unprocessed emotions from life experiences stored in our bodies and subconscious, and from belief systems we built growing up.

History of The BodyTalk System

By Celeste Chong | December 16, 2019

The BodyTalk System was developed by Dr John Veltheim in the early 1990s, out of personal necessity. Working 16-hour days and his own health suffered. He contracted a strain of the Epstein Barr virus that did extensive damage to his liver and was told by Western doctors he might not live.