Journey Into You

Cacao Ceremony | Transformational Travel
For an authentic, connected and fulfilled life

Cacao Ceremony Singapore Body-Talk-Singapore-Holistic-Healing-Singapore- sound bath-heart4

A safe space to feel and heal

As we make the journey from head to heart, we begin to connect with our emotions. We feel and begin to heal. We remember ourselves as spiritual beings having a human experience and embrace all parts of Self - physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and multidimensional. We remember our connection to source, our divinity, earth, and the web of life.

Cacao Ceremony

A safe space to feel


Transformational travel retreats

In-person small-group cacao ceremonies in Singapore are held weekly.

10 Feb 2025 - 20 Feb 2025

Mon 10
Tue 11
Wed 12
Thu 13
Fri 14
Sat 15
Sun 16

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A return to wholeness through the heart 

The heart serves as the master control for us to navigate this human experience with confidence and ease.

In a society that relies solely on the mind, we are disconnected from our true essence, with a gaping hole that we seek to fill with anything external except our own love.

This has resulted in increasing rates of anxiety, depression, insomnia, and dis-ease in the world. 

The inward journey to embrace all aspects of the Self will help us heal and feel whole. We must feel to heal. In doing so, the heart's voice grows stronger.

Mastery of our hearts is a crucial skill in times of great change.

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

~ Rumi

Cacao Ceremony Singapore Body-Talk-Singapore-Holistic-Healing-Singapore- sound bath-heart4

Here are stories that may help you navigate your healing, awakening and journey into you.

healing from depression

Discovering the Hidden Lessons in Every Challenge

August 27, 2024

Insights from my multi-faceted approach to understanding and healing depression.

Can travel really change your life for the better?

July 30, 2024

Transformational Travel will change how you see yourself and the world. You leave as a better version of yourself.

Why we’re afraid to feel (and how to overcome it)

July 10, 2024

A lack of education and emotional understanding has instilled fear around a perfectly normal human experience.