Year Ahead Reading

Messages from the universe. Guidance for your soul.

An ideal birthday gift for anyone, any time of year!

This personalised reading will begin from month of purchase and provide a glimpse into your 12 months ahead. The theme and guidance for each month will help you make the most out of your year ahead.

This is not a Live reading. You will receive a 7–9-minute audio recording which explains your reading along with a picture of the cards that were pulled.

Listen to a sample reading below.


If you are buying it as a gift, please remember to include the full name of the person in the order notes. You will receive the reading within 7 days from date of purchase.

What you will receive

- Monthly theme for the 12 months ahead
- Overall theme for your year ahead
- Additional messages from 2 oracle decks
- Additional message for guidance from your guides and Higher Self

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What others say

“I received an audio clip with lovely explanations of the cards which include themes coming up each month, and the overall theme for the year. It really spoke to my heart; I felt really moved and guided. Celeste's voice is so bright, gentle and grounded.”
Xiuyun Xie

“Thank you so much, everything resonated so well. The guidance message you received “enjoy the swim, it’s not a race” - I only just went back to swimming a few months ago after years of not swimming and I literally always try to swim faster than the ppl beside me! I probably do that in life as well. This is such a magical connection. Thank you again for this reading!”

“I had been quite unsettled over my decision to pursue social work and had been quite dormant in giving back (kindness) due to work and the pandemic, your reading and the message that you received gave me that much needed vote of confidence for me.”

Virtual Sound Baths

Enjoy our relaxation sound baths now on Insight Timer, the #1 free app for sleep, anxiety and stress. Or purchase the track(s) you like for easy access. Our virtual sound baths are best enjoyed lying down, eyes closed with earphones or headphones. Turn up the calm with an eye mask, essential oils and a comfy blanket.

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How I Healed from Anxiety

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My Spontaneous Spiritual Awakening

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Never in my wildest imagination! This transformational experience changed the course of my life.