Journey Into You

For authentic connection, inner peace and increased wellbeing
Cacao Ceremony | Spiritual Retreats

Cacao Ceremony Singapore Body-Talk-Singapore-Holistic-Healing-Singapore- sound bath-heart4

Return to Wholeness

As we make the journey inwards through our heart, we embrace all aspects of self: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, multidimensional. We remember our connection to source, our divinity and all of life.

Cacao Ceremony

Journey home to your heart

Spiritual Retreats

Transformative travel experiences

Book a Session

13 May 2024 - 21 May 2024

Mon 13
Tue 14
Wed 15
Thu 16
Fri 17
Sat 18
Sun 19

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Through the Heart Portal

A return to love and wholeness is achieved through the heart (not the mind). 

We journey inwards to embrace all aspects of Self and heal. On this journey, we have to allow ourselves to feel. Beyond understanding with the mind, we release density by FEELING our way through it.

The future is the way of the Heart.

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

~ Rumi

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Here are stories that may help you navigate your journey into you.

Why is relaxation important?

May 7, 2020

Stress weakens the immune system. When worried and stressed, the body operates in “Fight or Flight” and its focus is on survival. Other functions (like your immune system) take a back seat. Relaxation improves the immune system.

What is the best way to deal with unwanted and unpleasant emotions?

January 31, 2020

First, debunk the myth that showing your emotions is a sign of weakness. Through practicing acceptance and addressing our core needs, we deal with these emotions.

What happens to unprocessed emotions?

December 27, 2019

When an emotion is not processed and released, it becomes an active stored emotion, stored in the connective tissues or other body parts. Over time, there is a high chance that it shows up as a physical symptom.