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Cacao Ceremony

Session Name:
Online New Moon Cacao Ceremony

June 17, 2023 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm UTC+8

Online Event


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An invitation to gather in sacred circle online to honour, celebrate your unique journey and the cycles of life. In ceremony we connect deeply with Self and others, and remember our connection to all of life. As we welcome the New Moon, we get clear on our intentions on any fresh start we seek.

“I will be sharing my journey the last 4 years since my spiritual awakening. 6 months after this life changing experience, I left a comfortable job because it no longer felt aligned. This was in December 2019, I was excited and motivated, ready to look for investors to set up a sound healing studio. In the midst of this, covid happened and the world shut down. Needless to say, all plans were thrown out the window. 

This, was just the first of a series of plans being dismantled by the universe. For someone who always had a plan and was efficient at executing one, it was disorienting and disheartening! I had to learn to surrender time and again on this roller coaster ride home to my heart.

While challenging, the rewards have been worth while. I feel safe in my body and that allows me to feel at home regardless of where I am. I trust my body wisdom and my higher wisdom. My heart keeps expanding and words alone cannot describe how beautiful that feels. I feel deeply and it no longer scares me. I am connected to this sacred web of life. I see the divinitiy in me, and in you. 

We are in times of expanding consciousness and some of you may be going through your own journey of awakening and looking to connect with soul tribe. You may be choosing or have choosen to follow the whispers of your Heart. It would be a pleasure to meet you in circle.”~ Celeste

Ceremony flow:

  • Grounding Meditation and Opening of Sacred Space
  • Intention Setting
  • Mindful drinking of Ceremonial Cacao
  • Joy Ray activation and light language transmission
  • Oracle card guidance
  • My story: Spiritual awakening and my journey home to my Heart
  • Sharing circle and Closing

If you’d like to have a cup of ceremonial cacao for ceremony, I recommend Ora Cacao’s Ceremonial Cacao “Boundless Belize” which you can purchase in Singapore here

Ceremonial Cacao is gentle plant medicine that helps us open our hearts. While highly recommended for ceremony, it is not compulsory. You are very welcome to join us with a cup of tea, hot chocolate or water, ulitmately it is your intention that counts!

Things to note:

  • Ticket is transferable but non-refundable
  • Find a quiet space where you have privacy and won’t be disturbed/interrupted
  • Log in using your laptop if possible, have your camera switched on. This is a safe space to see and be seen.
  • Have a cup of Cacao ready with you (Or water, hot chocolate or tea)
  • Please be punctual
  • Event zoom link will be sent to you via email ahead of event.

<< Meet your Facilitator >> Celeste Chong

With a background in Marketing, Branding and Events, Celeste loves creating unique experiences. Her skillful project management and knack for strategic partnerships contributed to the key role she played in building 2 successful lifestyle brands (The Butter Factory & The Great Room) from scratch that expanded outside of Singapore.

In 2017, she hit rock bottom after a 20+ year battle with alcoholism. Her history of alcoholism, anxiety, depression and subsequent journey towards recovery and self discovery led to her spiritual awakening in 2019. Since then, she has been on a roller coaster ride home to her Heart.

Through her own lived experience, deep heart healing and unlearning, she now guides others on a journey home to their hearts through group and 1:1 ceremony. Activator – Soul Aligner – Cosmic Bridge, her mission is to help others heal their hearts, remember who they truly are, awaken to their magic within and align to their soul purpose.

With her expertise and passion in brand marketing, she looks forward to working with businesses and brands who are feeling the call towards Heart-led leadership and purpose driven offerings.