Session Name:
Sound Bath and Healing Circle
December 12, 2021 @ 9:40 am - 11:00 am UTC+8
The Great Room Raffles Arcade
328 North Bridge Rd, #02-20 Raffles Hotel Arcade
Gather in sacred circle (an intimate small group of 4). Calm your mind, let the sound of the Gong and Ancient Healers Essence take you on a journey into your heart. Receive energy healing, journal on the Wisdom Keeper oracle that shows up for you and we close with a short sharing circle where we simply listen with our hearts, without judgement.
Please take note that tickets are non-refundable but transferable. Our sessions are catered to adults, 16 years and above. Please arrive slightly earlier for registration. Studio will open 15 minutes before class and late comers will be turned away. Thank you for your understanding.
What is a Sound Bath? A Sound Bath a relaxation and stress reduction technique where participants “bathe” in the sound waves produced by instruments like gongs, singing bowls, chimes, drums and the human voice. You are taken into a deep relaxed state and the parasympathetic system – your rest & digest’ mode is activated. Staying in your ‘rest & digest’ mode is crucial for the body to repair, recover and be healthy.
More about Energy Healing:
Ka Shen Sekhem is a natural healing system which is similar to Reiki but operates on a higher vibration and heals on a deeper level. It is a form of Sekhem/Seichim, an ancient Egyptian Universal healing energy. Ka Shen heals on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. It connects one with Spirit and the earth and expands and develops the heart centre. The Ka Shen Sekhem energy embodies unconditional love and can come through in a variety of healing vibrations.
The Ancient Healers Essence is part of the range of Essence of Angels® Vibrational Essences. These essences are charged with Sacred Geometric Cosmic Templates of the Archangel Frequencies (through Metatron’s Cube) combined with Crystal, Mineral & Plant Intelligence templates. This essence is ideal for taking you out of your head into your heart, allowing you to experience beyond the logic of the brain.
* IMPORTANT * Things to note:
– Wear comfortable clothes you can lie down in
– Bring a cover up (shawl/scarf) if you might get cold as we don’t provide blankets
– Bring along an eye mask if you like
– Arrive 5 minutes early for registration
– Studio opens 15 minutes before class
– Doors will be locked at 645pm. Late comers will be turned away once we start so as not to disrupt the experience.
– Ticket is non refundable but transferable
– We reserve the right to cancel the event if there are less than 2 participants.
<< Meet your Facilitator >>
Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, Gong and Essence of Angels® Practitioner, Celeste facilitates Cacao Ceremonies and Sound Baths. She was the co-founder of a top nightclub in Singapore, where she bought into the hustle culture and used to numb her emotions till that stopped working. Out of sheer desperation, she surrendered and experienced a moment of grace, which led to her journey into recovery and self-discovery. While music and play in the party scene used to be a form of escape and a way to disconnect, today she incorporates music, sound and play into the soulful experiences she creates as a way of helping others escape the chatter of their minds and reconnect to self. Most recently, she has started her year-long professional Compassionate Inquiry training, a psychotherapeutic approach created by Dr. Gabor Maté.