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Session Name:
Mask Off with Daniel Michael

October 1, 2020 @ 8:30 pm - 9:45 pm UTC+8

Online Event


Daniel started to become more aware of his mental emotional well-being when he began to travel and experience life in a fuller way. Join Celeste and her next guest as they Mask off and share on their experience with Forgiveness, and the freedom that comes with it.

At Mask Off, we move beyond the usual questions and business struggle-success stories into stories of emotional and mental struggles, vulnerability, courage and change. Our goal is to normalise honest open conversations, to shed light on the importance of emotional awareness and mental health.We feel alone in our challenges, fears and struggles because we rarely hear others talk about theirs. But deep down we have the same needs and fears. With our masks off, we are not so different after all.

The event is free, the only requirement is for your video to be switched on. We would love to see your face! Please register with full name and email address, Zoom link to event will be sent to your email an hour prior to event.

‹ About Daniel Michael ›

Having a background in Science and Horticulture, Daniel is also a National Taekwondo champion and boxing instructor. In his earlier career, Daniel started in hospitality working for his parents restaurants in Australia before moving to ANZ bank where after 3 years decided the corporate life was not for him. Coincidentally he was offered a modeling contract and decided to leave home to travel in 2012. His travels took him to Singapore, where he worked at The Butter Factory, Sustenir Agriculture, then joined GuavaPass as a director before the company was acquired by ClassPass. As hard COVID times emerged and the company took a heavy blow, he was eventually let go. Daniel then launched Jewel Agri Group, a company which provides consulting and equipment to support customers with curious green thumbs or want to dabble in the art of urban farming. He is now moving into his next venture, becoming a real life Superhero saving the planet through conservation projects.

‹ About Celeste Chong, Founder of The Inside Job ›
Co-founder of the now defunct Butter Factory, Celeste spent most of her adult life ‘hustling’ and numbing her emotions and avoiding discomfort until she reached a point when that stopped working and out of sheer desperation, experienced surrender and a moment of grace, and so began her journey into recovery and self discovery. She is a firm believer that unprocessed trauma, emotions and stress are huge contributors to dis-eases and increasing rates of anxiety and depression. With BodyTalk, inner work, meditation, and sound healing, she navigates her journey home. Through her experience she helps others journey home by enabling them to slow down, sink into their hearts, turn their attention inwards, and discover self. Because Happiness is an inside job.