Session Name:
Explore your Inner World with Bodytalk™
September 24, 2020 @ 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm UTC+8
Online Event
Did you know?
- Our current state of health is an accumulation of our whole life story and every experience has contributed to it.
- When an emotion is not processed and released, it becomes an active stored emotion, stored in the connective tissues or other body parts. Over time, there is a high chance that it shows up as a physical symptom.
- What we cannot see, often controls us. In Dr Bruce Lipton’s ‘The biology of belief’, he points out how adults are acting from their subconscious mind 95% of the time.
During her search for the cause of anxiety, Celeste discovered BodyTalk™ and had a first peek into her inner world. Celeste is a firm believer that unprocessed trauma, emotions, and stress are huge contributors to dis-eases and discomfort.
Through Bodytalk™ Distance Healing, we can release stored emotions, improve the communication within the body’s cells and systems and explore your inner world enabling you to discover the root cause of discomfort and dis-ease.This can improve your well-being and help heal physical symptoms. Unlike Western medicine that considers only physical symptoms, The BodyTalk System™ considers body, mind and spirit, treating the BodyMind complex as a whole.
Curious to find out more? Join us for a relaxing guided meditation sound bath and an introduction to Bodytalk.